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What angel investors aren't looking for (nwsource.com)
13 points by jmorin007 on Jan 27, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Roughly correct, but the point about lack of financial expertise seems wrong. I suspect plenty of the most successful founders can't read a balance sheet. It's far more important to know how to build things people will love.

It's a problem if they have no willingness to learn. If something is important to the business, the founders should make an effort to understand it.

A perfect example:

We recently had a meeting with some people who were interested in investing or something, we gave them the pitch and our vision. We gave them nice financial estimates, not great ones (but at our stage, who really cares as long as there is a need and a market?)

I soon found out that they all graduated from Emory, Duke or Wharton Business Schools and they like us, but they asked questions like, "What is your HR strategy?" or "You'll soon need to hire C-level people and we can help you with that."

All we wanted to hear was: "We like you. Here's a guy who has been a successful startup entrepreneur who can help you. Here's a small bit of money. Go change the world."

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