I got mentioned! Yay! The real digg office is the irc channel. With remote people and weird hours, that's where most of the work (and water cooler talk) happens.
Almost without exception, all the workspaces are open-office, some more than others. I've been working this way for a decade and prefer it to a private office.
If you had your choice, would you want your own private office or would you prefer working in a larger space with several coworkers?
I'm inclined to say "private office", but I've never had one, so it might not be all that great. I guess it depends how open is open. At my job, there are 6 people in a "team room" that is partially open to the hallway. Communication within the team is improved, but it seems that anyone coming to interrupt anyone else also interrupts me. For a lot of stuff it doesn't really matter. For some things it is really hard to make any headway unless I know I'm not going to be interrupted for several hours.