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Web 2.0 workplaces [PICS] (uaddit.com)
18 points by secgeek on Jan 27, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I got mentioned! Yay! The real digg office is the irc channel. With remote people and weird hours, that's where most of the work (and water cooler talk) happens.

Owen - here's digg as well, I was there this summer but I don't think you were in at the time. http://tinyurl.com/36erzf

Almost without exception, all the workspaces are open-office, some more than others. I've been working this way for a decade and prefer it to a private office.

If you had your choice, would you want your own private office or would you prefer working in a larger space with several coworkers?

I'm inclined to say "private office", but I've never had one, so it might not be all that great. I guess it depends how open is open. At my job, there are 6 people in a "team room" that is partially open to the hallway. Communication within the team is improved, but it seems that anyone coming to interrupt anyone else also interrupts me. For a lot of stuff it doesn't really matter. For some things it is really hard to make any headway unless I know I'm not going to be interrupted for several hours.

I think the best design would strongly encourage people to use shared workspaces but have private offices for everyone that wanted one.

Large space with several co-workers. That's ideal for me. If I'm ever 'in the zone', I just put on headphones even if music isn't playing.

well i prefer working with several co workers.cause u need to learn many things and yes u can joke with anybody ;)

The Mozilla pictures stand out from the others as more corporate.

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