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Beautiful place, I was there last summer. AFAIK suspicions about wireless radiation having adverse health effects have not been substantiated.

The subject comes up in places distant from BC. Considering the upcoming election year, here in Portland we usually have a few "fringe" candidates for local office asserting WiFi in public schools is "damaging" children, causing them to misbehave, etc.

Obviously most of the population is unconcerned about such risk. I suppose if it turned out that wireless signals really do cause some obscure deleterious effects, the "tinfoil hat" crowd will say they told us so. I'd go with the odds that's even less likely than winning the Megabucks lottery 3 times in a row.

Yeah, the only "proof" that people tend to cite is that the WHO has classified EM radiation in a class that basically means "we have no idea if it causes cancer or not, but it might", along with just about everything [1].

I lived in Victoria for a few years. My landlords there had refused a smart meter - yet they had WiFi, and both had cell phones.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IARC_Group_2B_carcinog...

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