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There're even people that don't like the automatic moving in Rust, because they can't see where something is moved.

I can understand why people feel that way, but it's a bit irrational, because if automatic behaviour can't result into incorrect code, more ressource usage or higher work load, why should I care about?

I have pretty much the same feeling about explicit lifetimes in this example.

Again, I understand that people want the whole control, want to see every relevant information, but everything has its costs, and the relevant information in each use case isn't always the same.

We did try making moves and copies into distinct syntaxes.

  let x = foo; // <- copies
  let x = move foo; // <- moves
It was worse, or at least, was by the majority of people at the time. See http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2012/10/01/move... for more of this ancient history.

Thankfully there are no move constructors in Rust, so moving something is entirely bug- and side effect free.

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