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Also Rust has the freedom to just leave dangerous features out of the language [1]. This is something we will never be able to do with C++ without transforming it in a not backwards compatible manner.

And it's not only about safety: a language that doesn't suffer from the consequences of legacy design choices is just less mental burden, easier to learn and easier to teach.

[1] http://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/218040.html

One can simply ditch the C++ backward compatible features into an "unsafe" part of C++. That's exactly what the talk given by Herb at the CppConf is trying to address. All the old unsafe part of C++ will trigger errors or warnings. But if truly necessary one will be able to disable these protections!

> All the old unsafe part of C++ will trigger errors or warnings.

And by breaking backwards compatibility so heavily, it effectively makes the new safe C++ into a different language.

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