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Yolk.js: A user interface library built on RxJS and Virtual-dom (github.com/yolkjs)
74 points by gabes on Nov 1, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Pretty interesting. You can find a 'comparison' to Cycle.js (also based on Rx and virtual-dom) in issue 4: https://github.com/yolkjs/yolk/issues/4

Elm (http://elm-lang.org) also seems similar in fundamental principles, though it's its own language rather than a JS framework. It's also based on expressing the whole UI as a pure reactive expression.

It seems to be much easier to get into as it still uses JSX compared to Cycle.js

I believe Andre himself isn't a big fan of JSX so doesn't make a big number of introducing it in the documentation, but you can totally use it.

It used to be that you couldn't just plug in Cycle.js to JSX by default, because the function used for virtual-dom node creation had a signature that slightly differed from what JSX expects. These days @cycle/dom exports hJSX [0], which is compatible.

[0]: https://github.com/cyclejs/cycle-dom/blob/master/docs/api.md...

JSX worked quite well last time I tried it: https://github.com/killercup/cycle-webpack-starter

I like how yolk exposes the .registerElement. Does anyone know if react has something similar?

Huh, this could be really interesting. Might need to test it out against the current project I'm working on.

Is there a demo available ?

What reasons would I use this library over React?

(Your account appears to be killed. Maybe send an email to the mods if your other posts are dead? (check using incognito mode))

(I would have sent this by email, but you haven't put an email in your profile. It needs to go in the about: field, not the email field. )

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