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>36.6% of the population voted for him, while a combined 63.4% voted for candidates from the conservative parties

The choices weren't just between Allende or Not Allende. Every candidate had their fair chance, and if winning with 36.6% of the votes sounds odd to you, it's probably because you are accustomed to the two-party system, which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

>If it didn't have international consequences, I'd agree with you that people should be allowed to elect politicians that will run their country into the ground

So people are free to choose their own politicians only as long as they live somewhere that is literally inconsequential in the international stage?

As soon as their country gets relevant, their choices will have "international consequences" after all and they will have to ally themselves with the biggest super power one way or another. And god forbid they choose the wrong super power.

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