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* That is sort of a female counterpart to the pickup artists guide and is about how to land a man who will commit.*

It is not really, since "game" is not about relationships. The female equivalent of "game" is a push-up bra and control pants. Does it work? Absolutely. Will it get you what you want? Ultimately, probably not.

You are missing the important fact that in general men want sex and women want commitment. Thus the best female counterpart to a pickup artists guide is one that ends up with commitment, and not lots of sex.

No, the male equivalent to "the rules" is having a steady job and wanting kids.

The rules are essentially pretend to be someone you are not and don't reveal anything undesirable about yourself (children, prone to depression) until after a man is emotionally invested (that's Rule 13). The male equivalent to "the rules" is overspending to appear richer, lying about being divorced, and don't mention your vasectomy until after the wedding.

Rule 23: Don't tell your therapist about the rules because (s)he will tell you you are being dishonest and manipulative, and then you'll die alone.

(Yes, I read "The Rules", every guy should. Once you know the rules, you can downgrade rules girls from "girlfriend material" to "short term fun".)

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