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>Not everyone has the newest smartphone

The latest version of the app supports Android 4.0.3 and up, as well as iOS 7 and up.

>with tons of space

The iOS app is 59MB. In 2015, you're claiming it's unreasonable to ask for a few megabytes? What? 8GB flash drives were party favors 5 years ago.

8gb flash drives might be party favours, but as phones no longer let you stick a memory card in and the latest greatest handsets (eg: nexus 5x) are still shipping with 16 or 32gb of storage, the 50mb isn't insignificant.

Even if the OS uses 8GB of space you are talking about well under 1% of the leftover space. Sounds insignificant for something as important as transportation.

My phone is 2,5 years old and still works very well. Just has tons of bloatware (damn you HTC!). Might have to root the phone to uninstall that junk.

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