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I am one of the original CouchDB folks, and a cofounder of Couchbase. We have spent the last few years quietly building an enterprise-class suite of Couch sync compatible databases. Everything we do is open source and Apache licensed.

Couchbase Mobile is native on iOS, Android, and C#, and compatible with PouchDB and Apache CouchDB. http://developer.couchbase.com/mobile

Here is an example of how General Electric is using our open source platform to power the Internet of things. http://www.couchbase.com/nosql-resources/presentations/offli...

[edit] we've been able to do this, funded by the success of Couchbase Server. Which looks like a high-performance NoSQL database, not an offline mobile database, but it uses many of the same data structures.

Thanks, looks like I have some research/reading to do.

Aside: This is why I love HN. Thanks for all of your hard work.

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