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I just did some wikipedia sleuthing


> The US Census declared that in 2010 15.1% of the general population lived in poverty: 22% of all people under age 18 13.7% of all people 19–21 and 9% of all people ages 65 and older.

So if we take 2/10 children and subtract 2 kids from the denominator because their parents could afford to send them to private school, you get 1/4 of students in an average school. I imagine the ratio is even worse in most inner cities and certain rural areas.

Poverty statistics in the US don't include government programs. How many of those kids are hungry after welfare and food stamps?

Aren't government programs in the US globally famous for being woefully inadequate and embarrassing? Who brings up America's social safety net in defense of the upper class? It's clear you aren't letting this topic go but this isn't the place for it.

>Aren't government programs in the US globally famous for being woefully inadequate and embarrassing?

Only to people who haven't actually looked at them. US welfare programs are certainly adequate to ensure nobody goes hungry. If children are going hungry it means their parents are spending money earmarked for food on something else.

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