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Ask HN: Where can I deliberately practice math online?
4 points by autoreleasepool on Oct 24, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
I am no longer in college. The highest level of math I have taken is Calc 1. I have also take Discrete Math.

I'd like to improve my math skills and exercise my mind by practicing math problems. I don't have an interest taking a full course right now. I think practicing 30 minutes a day would do me some good in the long run.

Check out Project Euler(https://projecteuler.net/) if you want to solve mathematical puzzles.

I am the lead developer of the open source MathPiper computer algebra system:


Does solving equations using the following manual step-by-step elementary algebra equation solver interest you?:


If so, join the MathPiper developer email list, introduce yourself, and I will teach you how to use it.

Please join us at SPOJ (spoj.com) if you are not afraid of programming. Some examples: http://www.spoj.com/problems/TWOSQRS/ (number theory problem), http://www.spoj.com/problems/KPPOLY/ (geometry).

This is not really math, more arithmetic, but you might enjoy it nonetheless: http://www.speedsums.com. Definitely not a substitute for actual math though - some of the other comments here are great for that.

Brilliant is amazing for practicing math. It's similar to programming problem sites but for math: https://brilliant.org

try coursera, opencourseware, khan academy. There are plenty of places to learn math.

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