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Rather messy since github doesn't do redirects, but I suppose it's worth it.

By the way, to uninstall the apparently poorly-named pydroid:

  cd ${PYTHON_DIR}/site-packages/
  rm -r pydroid pydroid-0.42-*.egg-info
where ${PYTHON_DIR} is "/Library/Python/2.6" on OS X, "C:\Python26\" on Windows, etc...

Then just run the new installer shown on the script page (or install from source), now at:


Perhaps you could augment the github project description to include some keywords like: keyboard, mouse, control, click, UI.

autopy is really perfect. It's reminiscent of autopilot and much more descriptive of what your tool does.


Taken, unfortunately (that was my first idea before AutoPy).

The link from the title of this post should be be updated.

Yes, it should. HN won't let me do that any longer though.

Awesome! I'll definitely be playing with it soon.

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