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Product Design of the Stripe Dashboard for iPhone (medium.com/swlh)
84 points by benjamindc on Oct 20, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Hey, thanks for writing this.

Your article talks a lot about the nuances of the app (prototyping animation, specifically) but I'm curious how you were able to distill the experience down to 2 primary use cases - did this come from research, data, customers saying this is what they intend to use the app for?

Did you test any of this with your existing customers? If so, how did you go about that process?

If anyone from Medium is listening, here's some feedback about the page design itself. Every time I scroll, there's the 'share/follow tab' that pops in and out at the bottom of the screen. This adds undue stress to the process of scrolling when every action I do causes things to pop in and out. If a share sheet is absolutely necessary, fix it somewhere in the page, or bring it up when I come to the end of the page or something. Don't animate things as I'm scrolling the page.

For me, this only happens when I scroll up. That seems sensible to me.

Designing any product can feel overwhelming but by diluting it down to the essential user experience, you can make it approachable and doable.

How did you find out what the essential user experience was without talking to users?

Wow that card interface, though beautiful, looks like a real waste of time to develop. A list of text links would be faster and more effective. But mobile!

A list of text links would be faster and more effective.

What makes you say that? The card interface gives a sense of context--you can still see the stuff behind it. You can pull on the entire card to navigate instead of hitting a small text target. I haven't used the UI, but it looks like it works pretty well.

To access a previous card, you could have a small target for each. The front one can always have a large target.

The card metaphor has no value. No extra information is communicated, and yet it is expensive to program and display.

UIs always look like they work well when demoed by the creator. Show me a usability test with this, and then you'll see the reality.

Yeah, I didn't get the card thing either. Seems too "thick" to me. The whole thing feels a little over-designed. I suspect the users may be to blame since we tend to like this crap.

Would love to hear more about the UX process involved in creating this (and other Stripe products).

From what I read you guys jumped right in to the UI design?

Nice! What did you guys use to build the visualizations?

Some of them are created using After Effects, HTML/CSS and iOS code. Was this your question?

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