Can we all calm down and look objectively at the situation ?
This may help :
President Obama has thrown his weight behind a plan that could see foreign firms such as Chinese Global Internet Services being taxed for doing business in USA.
Known as the Chinese Global Services Tax, the controversial proposals will force foreign Internet firms to pay a new tax on their online advertising revenue in USA.
The big picture behind this is scary. If every nation starts taxing internet companies from every other nation for revenue generated off their own population (regardless if said company has a presence in that country), it'll slow down growth tremendously and kill a lot of business models.
It's not at all clear that they can. According to German news media (e.g.,1518,670897,00....), the European Commission doubts that Google's alleged "dangerous dominance of the market" is real, and says they will check whatever the French propose for legality. And a concrete proposal hasn't even been made - so far, it's all just some big talk.
How can the French do this without falling foul of EU laws?