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IncludeOS: Run your C++ code directly on virtual hardware (includeos.org)
97 points by ingve on Oct 18, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments

Is the assumption here that scheduling, drivers, resource management etc. will all be on par with or better than full-fledged operating systems? Seems like what you might gain in being closer to the metal could easily be lost by wheels that have already been invented.

I suspect it's that you won't need most of them in a typical application.

The idea behind unikernels is that now that we have pervasive virtualization, most virtual machines are running only a single application anyway. So you have an instance type for memcached, one for postgres, one for Node, one for nginx, one for Redis, one for your JVM, etc. In many cases, these apps already include user-level scheduling and resource management, which often works at cross purposes with the OS. In other cases, they could run much faster if they implemented these specialized to their particular workload, and didn't need to run through an OS scheduler that also needs to support responsive desktop apps.

The reason this is a bad idea is because it restricts your ability to redesign a system. If you want to add another program, you can't do it by definition.

Though I suppose the solution in that scenario is "Take it out of the unikernel, then."

Still, if you rip out the fundamental abstractions of an OS, how would you run an application that relies on e.g. fork? Or any application that runs a shell command in any way?

My understanding is probably falling short. I should read up more on unikernels.

No, the solution in that scenario is "Spin up another VM, and talk to it over socket." That VM could be another unikernel server, or it could be vanilla Linux that you talk to over sshd, Fabric, Puppet, whatever.

It's important to understand the context behind the current unikernel hype: it assumes that you've embraced cloud providers (or at least run your own cloud on Xen or kvm), it assumes that you are building a distributed system, and it assumes your distributed system is built using standardized components. If 99% of software is various combinations of nginx, Node, Python, Ruby, the JVM, memcached, redis, PostGres, MySQL, and MongoDB, it can make sense to modify just those 10 applications to run on bare metal, cut Linux out of it entirely, realize gains of up to 10x in performance (based on the original MIT exokernel papers), and still present the same programming interface to application-level programmers.

Unikernels are not useful to people who just want to hack C on a single box, nor are they useful to giant companies like Google where all of their software is written in C++ with POSIX APIs. But they could save a lot of money for many mid-range businesses who currently host on AWS or GCE and write largely in high-level languages.

Here I was, ready to rail against this horrific explosion in software complexity, and then you go and say

realize gains of up to 10x in performance (based on the original MIT exokernel papers)

Is that true? Do the observed improvements in the field get anywhere close to that theoretical boost?

If that's true, then that's incredible. Which layer of the OS is responsible for an Nx slowdown? Where N is whatever the real multiplier actually is most of the time.

(Aside: it's probably not a good idea to imply "high level language == doesn't use fork." Fork is a fundamental primitive. There are things you can do by forking which you can't do by other means. I mean "can't" in the same say as "yes, every language is turing complete and so therefore can simulate any other language, but you can't write recursion in BASIC, because you wouldn't want to try.")

Here's the original MIT research group. Consider that this was done 17 years ago, so it's possible that relative performance differences are very different:


The speedup they observed was because they could bypass all the layers of the OS and implement abstractions specialized to their particular use-case, making use of information that is available to the application but not to the kernel when deciding how to allocate resources. For example, Cheetah stored preformatted IP packets on disk, which would be sent straight out to the NIC along with the file contents from the filesystem cache. There was no need for the overhead of a TCP/IP stack, no need for buffer copies between kernel and user mode, no need for scheduler overhead as the process is put on the wait queue while waiting for the filesystem, no need for kernel-mode context switches.

I could imagine several similar cases with modern apps, particularly as the NUMA penalty has grown and we've gotten hardware technologies like RDMA. Imagine a Node.js implementation with a locality-aware scheduler, for example: instead of running whichever closure is attached to the file descriptor that epoll happens to return, it preferentially executes the closure that was most recently enqueued, on the theory that all of its context is likely to be hot in cache. Or imagine memcached with full control over the TLB, so that you could lock certain entries (eg. active session objects) into the TLB and never page fault on them.

Fork is not a language feature though, it's an operating system feature.

It just so happens that it feels that way because it's so universal in multi-process systems. The reality is that there are many uni-process systems, like embedded microcontrollers etc.

Unikernels actually have a lot in common with these sorts of environments. For instance if you are running a unikernel on PV Xen or KVM you have direct access to the paravirtualized network and block device buffers, avoiding additional context switches when doing IO (this is where those 10x speedups from from).

Thing is though you can achieve the same performance on more traditional OS + multi-process setups too but it does require some level of device level virtualisation + isolation and kernel bypass. For instance combining PCI SRIOV with say PF_RING would give you effectively the same performance profile without sacrificing OS level features.

We carried out some simple tests of Nginx on the rump kernel a few months ago. Performance is approximately similar to running on an "ordinary" operating system +/- 10% depending on a variety of factors.

It's worth bearing in mind that the Rump Xen backend isn't well optimised at the moment, so there's quite a bit of low hanging fruit that could probably boost performance quite a lot. I think things like multi-page netfront, more careful rx/tx batching, and probably scheduler measurements will have an impact. The focus right now is on getting the individual applications to run reliably and robustly as unikernels when recompiled under Rump, and upstreaming patches where applicable.

> Still, if you rip out the fundamental abstractions of an OS, how would you run an application that relies on e.g. fork? Or any application that runs a shell command in any way?

You probably don't (at least not without removing/changing that part of the application). Unikernels explicitly do not aim at allowing to run a random preexisting application and trade that for the freedom from existing APIs and conventions.

Bypassing the operating system and implementing this functionality in user space is already common practice in high-performance server software. From the perspective of a specific server workload, it is pretty easy to design purpose-built schedulers and resource managers that will greatly outperform the ones in your operating system. There is much room to invent better wheels. I presume this software is designed to make that easier, since there are fewer operating system quirks to work around.

Obviously this is not suitable for every programmer (e.g. if you have difficulty designing software that does not leak memory, this is not for you) but there is a subset that can design correct schedulers and robust resource managers in their sleep. The integer factor improvements in system throughput make it a worthwhile optimization if you know how to do it.

Could I port Python to this and then run a Flask app directly under Xen?

You should be looking at Rump kernels for this, specifically https://github.com/rumpkernel/rumprun-packages/tree/master/p... directory.

> A minimal, service oriented, includeable library operating system for cloud services

I think the operating system for cloud services is need to be able to run heterogeneous system. Which Mesos & CoreOS are headed towards this idea via containerization.

Why build an OS that only run a C++ for cloud services? Is there any use case/problems that the author trying to solve?

It is generally assumed virtual machines have better isolation (security-wise) than operating system level isolation like the containerization Mesos and CoreOS are making use of.

CoreOS and SELinux together is pretty secure if set up properly; even if you broke out of a container you wouldn't be able to do anything, even start a process. But still, yeah, in a unikernel there is no 'breaking out' at all.

What I want to know is how this is better/different compared to Rumprun or OSv. They appear to be its closest competitors.



What is the advantage of this over running a unikernels in Xen?

This is the only unikernel I know of that supports "raw" applications - OSv applications run in a JVM and MirageOS applications are in OCaml.

Edit: looks like there's a direct alternative called Rumprun: https://github.com/rumpkernel/rumprun. I hadn't heard of it.

Anyway, right now this whole unikernel thing is still pretty new so it's good to have multiple projects.

Notably, there's ongoing work (with an already functional result) to run Mirage on top of the low-level drivers provided by Rumprun. The idea in doing that is enabling the "top-level" Mirage stack to run in environments for which they don't have native OCaml drivers yet. (disclaimer: I don't speak for Mirage, though I do speak for Rumprun)

>OSv applications run in a JVM

While this may be the most typical use for OSv, my understanding from their wiki[0] is that OSv can handle Ruby or Node, or Linux apps (most of the Linux ABI is supported).


There's also a JavaScript unikernel project: http://runtimejs.org/

Hope it gets built for cross platform. I wish this could be run on top of smartos zones, instead of kvm or xen. http://dtrace.org/blogs/brendan/2013/01/11/virtualization-pe...

smartos zones also has a linux compatibilty layer ( lx branded zones ).

Is this even a thing when we have container boom? Any advantage of running a virtualization layer just to run a C++ application, why not run it in a container?

Where the container virtualizes an instance of an operating system, the libOS (related: the unikernel and exokernel) goes further into virtualizing the operating system services and interfaces themselves. It's a logical step further.

One advantage is that the application gets full control over the page tables. At least one program I work on would gain huge advantages in that kind of environment.

The same is true for microkernels, FWIW. As far back as Mach, a large advantage was separating the mechanism of VMM from the policy of handling page faults, which was done by external pagers in userspace.

I'd love to see some consolidated efforts here. I'm currently looking at rumprun but need to support Java and at least I haven't found anyone who's done that successfully. So now I'm also looking at OSv which looks like it's trying to be compatible with Docker.

Do you know anyone who's even tried to make Java work on Rumprun? I only tried Python, that worked out of the box. From what I've been following others, e.g. Erlang, Rust and Javascript (node.js) more or less provided the same experience.

Are we just inventing new stuff which will make our code harder to debug for the sake of making something "new" at this point, or am I just being overly cynical?

This idea isn't new at all. In fact, it's largely a conceptual throwback to the days before even batch schedulers where programs had to initialize the machine they were running on. The modern libOS dates from MIT research in exokernels during the 90s, itself an incremental step further of the numerous microkernel projects like SPIN, V-System, Mach, Amoeba and so forth.

It's a 1950s idea updated to 21st century standards using 1970s dynamic linking, sometimes but not necessarily meant to be run under a hypervisor.

Well, hypervisors and OS kernels are largely mirrors of each other, and it doesn't make architecturally to have both. Some people, like the creator of this project, favor squeezing out the OS kernel. Other people, like the LXC people, prefer squeezing out hypervisors and letting OS kernels do it all. Both suck. All software sucks. Software is hell. Every moment is a living nightmare of pain.

good to see a unikernel for c++

we haven't really seen anything yet.. no code, paper or whatsoever, not sure what to expect

check out http://osv.io

We've been doing a similar thing with Erlang -- running it without an OS using Ling to run Erlang on Xen

See http://erlangonxen.org

(And see the demo here: http://zerg.erlangonxen.org )

I've been following erlangonxen for a while, but things seem to be quiet. What are you guys working on? Any news?

I just pooped my pants. How excite!

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