- Simplify code, processes, and infrastructure at every step
- Build a well-rounded, emotionally stable team
- Loosely follow scrum & agile
- Be realistic
- Be honest, even when it is inconvenient
- At the tech lead level, the most important skill is your own
psychology. Hone your personality, establish work-life balance,
and take some courses in positive psych
- Have an opinion
- Learn when to talk, when not to talk, when to put it in
writing, and when not to put it in writing
- Adopt a "good enough, and let's move on" design approach
- Build strong relationships with non-technical management
- Prioritize everything
- Simplify code, processes, and infrastructure at every step
- Build a well-rounded, emotionally stable team
- Loosely follow scrum & agile
- Be realistic
- Be honest, even when it is inconvenient
- At the tech lead level, the most important skill is your own psychology. Hone your personality, establish work-life balance, and take some courses in positive psych
- Have an opinion
- Learn when to talk, when not to talk, when to put it in writing, and when not to put it in writing
- Adopt a "good enough, and let's move on" design approach
- Build strong relationships with non-technical management