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What's a good source on becoming a software dev lead? Here are a few suggestions among the many available:

Brooks' "The Mythical Man Month" is a classic in this space, though I think its emphasis is less on leadership than the difficulties in software project management. And the book is rather dated now.

DeMarco and Lister's "Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams" is also a classic, and emphasizes interpersonal team dynamics as well as software project management.

Hunt and Thomas's "The Pragmatic Programmer" is highly regarded and traces the progression of a software pro from being led to becoming leader.

Mantle's "Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams" looks intriguing, but I have no firsthand experience with it.

I know agile is a big deal these days, but I can't recommend any books that are specific to doing it well. I'm not really a fan. But in this space, you might take a look at Rich Sheridan's: "Joy Inc: How We Built a Workplace People Love". He runs a small creative agile contracting shop that employs a variety of techniques build and maintain a positive workplace.

In a similar vein is Weinzweig's "A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Being a Better Leader". He's the founder of Zingerman's Deli (in Ann Arbor MI) and is a very creative force toward making your workplace constructive and engaging. Not related to software, but full of good ideas.

Weinberg's "Becoming a Technical Leader: An Organic Problem-Solving Approach" is an oldie but goodie in this space, though it doesn't focus on software but tech of all kinds.

Finally, I heartily recommend "Code Complete" as an excellent source on how to program solid/maintainable code, especially if you hope to lead more by example than command.

Amazon links for the lazy:

"The Mythical Man Month" - http://amzn.com/0201835959

"Peopleware: Productive Projects and Team" - http://amzn.com/0321934113

"The Pragmatic Programmer" - http://amzn.com/020161622X

"Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams" - http://amzn.com/032182203X

"Joy Inc: How We Built a Workplace People Love" - http://amzn.com/1591845874

"A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Being a Better Leader" - http://amzn.com/0964895692

"Becoming a Technical Leader: An Organic Problem-Solving Approach" - http://amzn.com/0932633021

"Code Complete" - http://amzn.com/0735619670

Thanks for the shortened URLs. Question: I always obtain those by hitting "Share" and then copying the link. Is there a better way?

DeMarco and Lister's "Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams" was published way back in 1987 with 2 new editions over the years.

And even the first edition untouched is still completely relevant.

While its focus is "getting teams to work well together and develop good software", I think it has excellent viewpoints and advice for any workplace where people use their brains for a living, regardless of what the company does.

I'd also like to add "Debugging the Development Process: Practical Strategies for Staying Focused, Hitting Ship Dates, and Building Solid Teams" by Steve Maguire.

I highly recommend "The Psychology of Computer Programming" by Weinberg to this list. One of the best books about programming that I've ever read.

A big +1 for Becoming a Technical Leader. Foster motivation, organization and innovation in yourself and your team.

I'm so happy that I've read four of the mentioned above - the first three and the "Code complete". Will try to do some more reading in the nearest days.

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