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> Tesla is a party to the incident and has a reason to spin it as far in their favor as possible.

They have, but the reason many people, myself included, trust them is that they didn't follow such reasons in the past. Honesty is being accurate even if you have a reason to spin.

> Their account also completely omits any mention of the window of the jeep being broken with a rock and the driver's side seat belt being severed so idk why we should just swallow their account on it's face.

That's why I say we'll see how it plays out in court. Facts will (hopefully) be uncovered. I'm not assuming Tesla is definitely 100% right; this may be the case when they start bullshitting like every other company. I'm only trusting they're honest here given that they've been honest before, which is not industry-standard practice.

> The hero worship is real.

It's not hero worship, it's trusting those who've proven themselves trustworthy.

> it's trusting those who've proven themselves trustworthy.

Tesla has a long history of exaggeration and broken promises and describing them as having a 'perfect record of being honest-to-God' borders on the farcial.


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