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Based on the text of the article:

> Once the Sheriff’s Department arrived on the scene, they arrested one of the RGJ employees for two counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon

I'd have to say the police are right and you're wrong. Assault with a deadly weapon seems much more appropriate than attempted murder. Nobody died, there was no intention to kill anybody, and there was no action taken that was particularly likely to cause death. "Deadly weapon" covers it.

How exactly is aiming a car at someone and hitting the gas any different from aiming a gun at them and pulling the trigger?

The Tesla statement doesn't say that the driver "aimed" at either of the struck persons. Only that they ran into them.

Or have you never, in your own driver history, ever not run into things you didn't intend to?

Why do you think aiming a gun at someone and pulling the trigger is attempted murder rather than assault with a deadly weapon? Attempted murder requires the intention to kill.

Cars have many uses, such as getting away. Guns have only one use.

From the victim's point of view, that's a distinction without a difference.

The situation has probably played itself very quickly and was full of split-second decisions. The journalists may had no intention to actually run anyone over; maybe they were trying to sneak between that ATV and a guard standing, and they miscalculated the turn. After they hit the first guy this whole thing probably turned into "Oh shit shit shit! What have we done?" situation; people without training tend to lose any rational thinking capabilities in those.

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