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This is the best list of vim tips online I believe, and the author is always updating it. Last update: 22-DEC-09

One of my favorites that has saved me a ton of time more than once:

" rename a string with an incrementing number

:let i=10 | 'a,'bg/Abc/s/yy/\=i/ |let i=i+1 # convert yy to 10,11,12 etc

"This is the best list of vim tips online "

When does a collection of items go from a list of tips to a lengthy compendium of details?

Like others, I started looking over the page and got discouraged; there's too damn much.

For my understanding (ignoring the loop):

    between mark a and mark b: 'a,'b
    goto lines containing Abc: g/Abc
    recognizable substitute:   s/yy/\=i/
      = prefixes a variable (escaped with \)
A problem is that it will only replace the first `yy` on the line (if you add g, to make it s/yy/\=i/g, it replaces all of them, but with the same value of i.

How to make it increment multiple yy's on the one line?

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