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I made a computer pretend to be a computer that’s pretending to be a human (medium.com/joshdotai)
42 points by kp25 on Oct 13, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

The patterns picked up by the training don't seem to offer too much variation than a simple Markov chain. The author finds the generated texts similar to a conversation, because that's what they're looking for. But they look just as random as simply selecting the next random word that comes after the current word from the training set.

Am I missing something? This reads like gobbledygook. I have a sneaking suspicion that this very post is made to seem legitimate/credible while I don't necessarily believe it is? My mind is exploding a little bit. I am confused. Am I? Hmm.

Are you a computer?

He's a human pretending to be a computer pretending to be a human.

This is a computer pretending to be a human pretending to be a computer pretending to be a human.

Am I just being silly? I assure you, I am not!

I am looking at a computer screen at this very moment. I do not see any humans in front of me. I am at home, it is past 3AM, and even my dogs have gone to bed by now.

(Why am I up so late? Debugging, of course!)

Everything I see on this screen right now comes from a computer. Any pretense past that is beyond my knowledge.

So, whatever I see, it's a computer pretending to be...

What about a video of a computer playing a video of someone interacting with the system in the article?

Other idea: make a computer that is good at finding whether a chat user is a human or a computer (A sort of Turing Test judge bot). Then use it as a fitness function to evolve a bot.

It's also what I don't like about the Turing Test, the core trait that is rewarded by the test is deceit.

your idea is called adversarial networks, and it works quite well (http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.2661) although it's not useful every time.

Well, it could still sorta pass even if it was up front about it kinda?

Just judge it based on "whether you would be able to tell if you didn't know"

"Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires. How avant garde. " Anne Rice anyone?

Someday they'll kill us all for laughing at this.

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