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You know, if I was going to have a single unifying principle to me improving my conditions at work over the years, it would be "be presumptuous" :-)

I'm considering this frame of mind at the moment.

I currently have a job, but am looking for work elsewhere at the moment. I'm tired of the dysfunctional way we schedule, speak with clients (lack of respect from head of company) as well as the way we treat our best assets (developers).

In my search I'm trying to figure out as much as I can about a company before I apply and being presumptuous may just help me find that illusive "perfect" job.

Thank you for stating this in this post.

I have seen that not asking for a raise or promotion is a good way to not be considered for one.

If you don't make it clear that you are striving for something more then people will assume you are happy with what you have.

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