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Django-forum (uswaretech.com)
35 points by twampss on Jan 7, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I think you guys nailed the look and feel, nice work!

A few months ago I was looking for a Django forum. Of the existing solutions, I liked Snapboard best for it's clean code, relative simplicity and test coverage. In the end I used it but rewrote a substantial part. This code is available on GitHub: http://github.com/johnboxall/snapboard/tree/dev/snapboard/

It's currently used to host the Mobify forums: http://community.mobify.me/

I really like how simple the layout and design is, very djangothic :-)

Isn't it just a copy of punbb/fluxbb?

I like the social auth login features.

Is there a good/clean way to integrate social auth with an existing django authentication db? E.g. providing generic views to let current users link their accounts against their google/twitter ID, and letting new users sign up with whatever auth mechanism they prefer.

Yes, there are a number of solutions for django. The one used by the forum (and also by cnprog.com) is django-authopenid (http://bitbucket.org/benoitc/django-authopenid/wiki/Home) which integrates with existing django auth db. Users can choose sign up for an account on your django site or sign in with an openid.

Some other solutions include: django-socialauth (http://uswaretech.com/blog/2009/08/django-socialauth-login-v...) and django-rpx (http://github.com/howthebodyworks/django-rpx).

I started with their socialauth app, and heavily modified it for http://bln.kr. I wanted to allow a user to login with one service, then add additional services to the same account.


I used django-socialregistration and recommend it. It has generic support for any OAuth (Twitter is one), OpenID, and FacebookConnect.


I've only used the Twitter-OAuth part of it and tweaked it a little to fit my own application, but by and large it works with no probs

Does anyone know the equivalent in rails for socialauth ?

I have a serious problem with OpenId. Why I permitted login using Google's OpenId, the OpenId consumer can't even figure out my correct email and username? OpenId is confusing people.

Looking forward GAE port :)

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