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Clojure now available in Ubuntu repos (ubuntu.com)
51 points by macmac on Jan 7, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I personally prefer to use a more up to date version, so i don't use the one from the repos, but im sure people who just want to have a simple install, or a stable release could benefit from this.

Well, it's extremely helpful if you want to make a Debian package that depends on Clojure. But for development work, a more unstable version would probably be better.

It works like this: you start developing now. By the time you cut through all the red tape, you got the HTML templates, the servers were installed, the solution validated and you can finally deploy it into production, the package will be the same version you started development with ;-)

This isn't new. I have had Clojure installed via the Ubuntu repository for some time now. Maybe since Karmic was released.

Agree - appears to have been around since Jan 2009, but judging from all the problems people seem to be have getting a simple Clojure install up and running, it does not appear to be well known.

the simple clojure install is coordinating JVM 5 or 6(almost always sun, tho link below mentions openJDK), emacs 22 or 23, slime, swank, ELPA, etc.




It was actually in Jaunty first (albeit as a "backport"). http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty-backports/clojure

Why is this here ? This is old news.

BTW it is presently available only for karmic.

And is in the current development branch as well: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/clojure

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