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This is a slight exaggeration (IMHO).

I've had one issue as far as I remember. Once one of my adgroups got suspended since it contained a copyrighted word. I called (Yes called) the support number in Ireland, and spoke to a real Google employee (My account manager), who knew exactly what was going on, and discussed with them. They looked up my account, advised me about options, and why it had been suspended and knew exactly what they were talking about.

Maybe it's different depending on if you're in Europe/US. The Ireland support has been great. The other time I needed to call was when Google accidentally suspended my whole Google account. It took a few days, but they got it sorted eventually.

The example is also a little extreme - I currently pay 5c for a click on average. So if I was that Goog employee, I'd be getting 20 clicks/day - not great, but valid statistically to draw some conclusions. Not everyone is paying 88c/click.

It's really easy to beat up Google and complain. I'm pretty impressed they give their employees anything like this to play with.

>Once one of my adgroups got suspended since it contained a copyrighted word.

I suspect you mean a trademark. You can not [normally #] copyright a word.

# I'd love to hear from anyone who's got evidence of a word being copyrighted. I can imagine that a really long poem length word could be considered to be a work for the purposes of copyright?

Yeah sorry... snow has frozen my brain. Trademark :) thanks.

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