"Ok" with sysvinit, sort-of "like" systemd and "hate" supervisor.
Btw: almost nobody considers the point about supervisor. A lot of clients' systems I manage are sysvinit or upstart systems, which use the init system to start supervisord and then use supervisor to (poorly) manage some services.
So even if I get why someone might like sysvinit better than systemd, I have no idea how someone can like sysvinit+supervisor better than systemd.
"Ok" with sysvinit, sort-of "like" systemd and "hate" supervisor.
Btw: almost nobody considers the point about supervisor. A lot of clients' systems I manage are sysvinit or upstart systems, which use the init system to start supervisord and then use supervisor to (poorly) manage some services.
So even if I get why someone might like sysvinit better than systemd, I have no idea how someone can like sysvinit+supervisor better than systemd.