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This is actually a good thing. You might have found it bothersome, but what it was doing was intelligently trying to reason whether a device would cause problems in your machine. It did not make the correct decision, but the infrastructure is there.

I would file a bug on systemd mentioning this behavior. But I like the fact that that my usb wifi card will not screw my system.

I don't want intelligent tools. The smarter the tool the more difficult it is to fix when it inevitably breaks. The intelligence might save a few minutes every so often, but the failures can cost hours, and at a time when you might urgently need things to work correctly. Predictability is more valuable.

> You might have found it bothersome, but what it was doing was intelligently trying to reason whether a device would cause problems in your machine.

What was intelligent about that?

I don't need intelligent tools, I need tools that do what I say! That's why they're tools, damn it!

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