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NetBSD-7.0 developer interview: Leonardo Taccari (beastie.pl)
54 points by mulander on Oct 8, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Nice to see this appearing on HN, this is shaping up to be a great interview serie!

For info, the first one was with Jeff Rizzo : http://beastie.pl/deweloperzy-netbsd-7-0-jeff-rizzo/

Well seems we got the hn death hug :)

Contacting the server admin, here's a google cache of the content, sorry for the trouble folks!


It's back online. Thank you for sharing.

Sincere kudos to Leonardo.

I used to hang out with him and some others in #netbsd-it on freenode some years ago (when I was using NetBSD).

He is a very nice guy.

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