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That's really, really not what I said.

It's not, and you're completely right and I agree with you, but the schtick of ignoring all context that doesn't help out privileged folks is alive and well and highly encouraged on HN. Please try to keep up.


That seems both unfair and uncharitable.

I'll agree that that's certainly uncharitable; I could have phrased it better but I don't regret that I didn't. I don't think the tech community, or the people who would attempt to elide the vast power differential between it and the people they displace, deserves charity.

If the marginalized had other tools to fight for themselves, I might very well agree with you that it's unfair. As-is, I'm pretty okay with the notion that the rules of the road change when you have all of the money and all of the power and saying not-nice things about you because you are economically destroying them is simply one's tragic burden to bear.

I understand the political argument, but it doesn't help your cause when you prosecute it on HN in way that addresses others disrespectfully. Unfortunately you do that often, and as you know it breaks the rules here.

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