Athletics is a zero sum game - the athletes are harmed and the rest of the world is not helped. If we ban PEDs, the football will still reach the endzone.
Tech is a positive sum game. If PEDs help get us the next Uber, AirBnB or OkCupid, it's well worth the price of some less dedicated people being outcompeted. It's insane to hold the world back simply so certain less dedicated developers can maintain their current high status.
No, it's insane to sit back and let the market force people to disfigure and destroy themselves for the profits of wealthy capitalists: to destroy humanity in order to sacrifice it at the altar of capitalism
Tech is a positive sum game. If PEDs help get us the next Uber, AirBnB or OkCupid, it's well worth the price of some less dedicated people being outcompeted. It's insane to hold the world back simply so certain less dedicated developers can maintain their current high status.