It's not just acceptable, it's encouraged. It's the goal. It's startup nirvana.
Quoth your startup god king:
Hoffman travels three or four times a year to China, LinkedIn’s fastest-growing market, and he is impressed by the Chinese work ethic. He told one conference audience about a startup in Beijing that was able to ship its first product in just six months, by renting a block of hotel rooms and requiring all employees to live there, taking breaks only to eat, sleep, and exercise.
Quoth your startup god king:
Hoffman travels three or four times a year to China, LinkedIn’s fastest-growing market, and he is impressed by the Chinese work ethic. He told one conference audience about a startup in Beijing that was able to ship its first product in just six months, by renting a block of hotel rooms and requiring all employees to live there, taking breaks only to eat, sleep, and exercise.