So, the MyScript team (behind the Stylus beta handwriting tool on Android) released the MyScript calculator[1] a while back that lets you start doing (albeit relatively basic) math with the stylus on a touchpad. (I use it on my Samsung Note Pro.) It has a similar feel / intent to this thing, but somewhat less sophisticated (mind, it's evidently a proof of concept demo more than anything else).
The StaffPad app was reviewed at least 5 months ago [2] and truly does look very impressive, even if it's of particular interest for a relatively small demographic. I noted there was no mention in the SP4 announcement of the USB / sound device latency for the SP4 with W10 - so it's either so good we don't need to mention it, or a bit uncomfortable so best not to mention it.
Using generic ASIO4ALL drivers I'm able to get latency around 30ms using "generic" sound cards like the stuff onboard a ThinkPad. ASIO4ALL takes over the sound device so only one app can use it. Without it, latency can be rather much higher.
Interesting - to me 30 ms is pretty bad. I've got a ThinkPad i5 with 8GB running Win10 and can get in the 10-15ms range in Ableton Live Suite 9, and I have access to a SP3 that I might be able to test out. Granted, I don't think the design of the software is for "live" type use but I have noticed there are some 'sweet spots' for certain programs in the buffer size, e.g. Kontact doesn't like lower than 128 for some reason, whereas Traktor Pro doesn't care in the least.
The StaffPad app was reviewed at least 5 months ago [2] and truly does look very impressive, even if it's of particular interest for a relatively small demographic. I noted there was no mention in the SP4 announcement of the USB / sound device latency for the SP4 with W10 - so it's either so good we don't need to mention it, or a bit uncomfortable so best not to mention it.
[1] [2]