Yes, that is about right for a bare MLS listing and the agent withdraws from the sale. How to find such brokers? Just attend one of your local real estate investor meetings and they will tell you who can help. Such brokers might even be at the meeting.
This started to irritate the brokers in Texas a few years ago, so TAR got the legislature to change the real estate licensing statute to include a line about "minimum professional services". Oddly, that hasn't really slowed down this practice as far as I can see. The shadow broker does need to answer calls from other brokers/agents, as they can get quite testy when they find themselves talking directly to the seller. But they soon hand over the contact and move on.
This started to irritate the brokers in Texas a few years ago, so TAR got the legislature to change the real estate licensing statute to include a line about "minimum professional services". Oddly, that hasn't really slowed down this practice as far as I can see. The shadow broker does need to answer calls from other brokers/agents, as they can get quite testy when they find themselves talking directly to the seller. But they soon hand over the contact and move on.