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The sad thing is you can do this for pretty much anything but water.

15.2 oz Minute Maid orange juice: 45g of sugar: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/subway-minute-maid...

12 oz Welchs grape juice? 63g of sugar: http://i2.wp.com/afterthekidsleave.files.wordpress.com/2014/...

Something healthier like Vitamin Water - right?

Vitamin Water - 8oz 13g: http://www.betteroffwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/vita...

it also contains that pesky thing called "crystalline fructose" which apparently is a mild form of arsenic: http://www.fearlessfatloss.com/food/what-is-crystalline-fruc...

Pick anything other than water, and you're going to be consuming sugar, HFCS or some derivative of fructose which is horrible for your body. The simple solution is to drink these in moderation and balance it with lots of water.

it also contains that pesky thing called "crystalline fructose" which apparently is a mild form of arsenic

This is literally one of the most scientifically illiterate things I've ever read. Please at least try to understand basic nutrition or even chemistry before sharing your opinion on these issues.

It is not a mild form of arsenic. It is allowable for the crystalline fructose to contain 1 part per million of arsenic (by mass).

How about tea, coffee, wine, even sparkling or mineral (not just plain) water.

How about real fruit juice? Much healthier.

Minute Maid is owned by Coca-Cola, anyways.

How is it "much healthier"? 8 ounces of real orange juice has 21 g of sugar and 110 calories. This is about what Minute Maid orange juice has.

Calories is not the only way to measure how healthy something is.

It also matters how it affects the body, and in that regards orange juice and soda are not the same. You feel much fuller after orange juice, so clearly the body recognizes it as food, unlike soda.

I asked why "real" orange juice was "much healthier" than Minute Maid orange juice, not juice vs. soda. (Quoting text from hisham_hm; they aren't meant as scare quotes.)

> How about real fruit juice? Much healthier.

Most fresh squeezed fruit juices have comparable levels of sugar to soda. They may have some extra vitamins but they are not terribly 'healthy'.

Indeed. Fruit is "healthy" because it has fiber in it. Fruit juice removes the fiber, making it basically the same thing as soda.

Also people tend to consume a lot more when in juice form. A 16oz glass of OJ is ~8 oranges worth of juice.

It doesn't have to for example if you made orange juice from an orange and didn't filter it. Eat the orange or juice it it's pretty close.

Who says eating the orange is healthy? Still lots of fructose, and these days you're not going to get scurvy if you skip it.

The obesity epidemic is probably not being caused by people binging on whole fruits, however.

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