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That sounds plausible, but we all know that if there's a bigger pie, almost always the spoils go to the owners and employees get peanuts. Google and Apple are sitting on billions in cash and yet they colluded to essentially keep wages down.

Short term profits are what firms live off. EBIT is sacred regardless of your cashflow. (I am in no way supporting this mentality, just re-emphasizing it)


Google is far from the highest paid per employees in the US.

New York-based law firm Skadden Arps, rakes in over $180,00 a year. But Netflix, Mozilla, and VMware are are all well known tech companies that top the list.

Google is not even in the top 10. http://www.glassdoor.com/blog/americas-15-highest-paying-com...

I find it both interesting and heartwarming (in a weird kind of way) that Mozilla is higher than Google.

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