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> This meant they couldn't use all of the ecosystem and amazing tooling around Java [...]

Does anyone else get the same confused feeling whenever they read things like this? Every experience I've had with the Java/JVM ecosystem has been anything but amazing to the point where I now avoid it like the plague. I can't believe I'm that much different than everyone else, but I see this often enough that it makes me wonder.

Every experience I've had with the Java/JVM ecosystem has been anything but amazing to the point where I now avoid it like the plague.

Nope, just the opposite here. The JVM ecosystem is hands-down my preferred environment for building / deploying pretty much anything.

"Different strokes for different folks" and all that...

Well, I can see it compared to writing and maintaining your own language + all associated tools.

I feel like Java is a "choose your own adventure" type thing. You can opt out of a lot of the bad, in my limited experience.

In the context of the article, java is not being compared against the pool of all available languages, but specifically against the in-house language Wasabi.

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