I know that without water life would have never begun, but I still don't fully understand why it is necessary.
It is still big discovery though, if life is that common I think we should be more careful during migration there, "Marsian" common cold could wipe out the entire human colony.
You know that science fiction trope of the deadly planet full of life where every last life form is trying to kill every other life form, and they've evolved a frightful array of offenses and defenses to do it?
That planet is Earth. The real Earth. We perceive our ecosystem as friendly only because we've co-evolved with it. It is in objective terms a vicious, vicious place, with every cubic centimeter of any useful resource contended for by thousands or millions of organisms, fighting each other in every conceivable chemical, biological, and physical manner, and in particularly sophisticated corners of the Earth ecosystem, even social manners. It may look peaceful from the apex, but it's not when you get close.
The likelihood of some sort of Martian bacteria getting here and causing amazing problems can never quite be eliminated, but it's very, very low. Plus, if Martian life ever existed, it actually won't be entirely disconnected from Earth life due to what you could call "transpermia": http://users.tpg.com.au/users/horsts/swaprock.html
In fact if life is discovered on Mars, the next question is whether it is just Earth life that hitched a ride and managed to adapt to conditions that aren't necessarily all that much harsher than conditions we've found life on here on Earth. It's interesting either way, but the implications are hugely different between some hitchhiking Earth life vs. life that clearly came from a different abiogenesis event.
Earth life is aquatic. Our chemistry happens immersed in water. When life left the oceans, living beings like you and I took the water with us. We are walking bags of water: approx 75% by weight.
Of course martian life could be different than terran life, and that would be interesting too. But there are reasons to suspect that liquid chemical reactions was necessary at the genesis of life, and water is a uniquely optimal liquid for this purpose.
A martian virus is unlikely to do anything to your immune system. For one thing it is unlikely that the virus would even use the same genetic codes (A C T G) as terran DNA, unless we share a common ancestor, and even in that case it wouldn't do anything against you & your immune system would eventually create an antibody and wipe it out. We fear things like bird flu and swine flu because they develop in close proximity to humans in analogous systems, honing attack vectors specifically targeting some weakness of the animal body. An alien virus would likewise be good at attacking aliens, not us.
> I know that without water life would have never begun, but I still don't fully understand why it is necessary.
"Life" is a bunch of chemical processes. A necessary prerequisite is therefore a solvent in which those chemical processes can occur, and which can move substances around, whether it's within a cell, an organism, or an environment.
Of all the potential solvents, solids can't move stuff around, and in gases, only volatile and highly concentrated substances would have a chance to react. It's also too easy to move around in a gas: potential gas-based "life" would just...fall apart.
So the solvent and carrier being a liquid is also likely a prerequisite for life. It also has to stay a liquid at a relatively wide range of temperatures, and be abundant enough so that all the rare coincidences that might lead to life have a chance of happening and perpetuating.
Water is the only molecule that fits the bill, and happens to be the second most common molecule in the universe.
It doesn't really say "why". Water ionizes really conveniently so you can make it an acid OR a base (which is sorta unusual and it can talk to acidic or basic things), and is polar (its got a + and a - electrical side, more or less, so it can talk to + or - things), and has hydrogen bonds (so you get liquid lifestyle at gas temps)
For one why, look up amphoteric and zwitterion. Water has a super convenient pH range where about a ten millionth of pure water self ionizes aka ten to neg seventh or pH of 7, and all kinds of super convenient reactions occur above and below that pH and its really easy to manipulate ionization rates around that level without using too much. You don't need just a liquid but one where you can really screw around with something like amino acids by easily and cheaply changing the ionization rate of the liquid. So there are super convenient chemical reactions that depend on the ionization level of the liquid and its really easy to manipulate water. Conveniently water "just works" without having to add tons of other stuff to it.
Liquid methane isn't polar enough to really be useful when messing with ionic substances (table salt, etc). Whatever you use for a liquid, it needs to be polar so ionic stuff like salts can dissolve. It turns out that interesting chemistry doesn't happen with non-polar substances at normal temps; thats why when you bury stuff for a couple million years the only thing left behind undecayed (more or less) is non-polar hydrocarbons (crude oil). Ammonia is polar but has other issues.
The hydrogen bonds are important. Water should be a gas at room temp. Really, it should, looking at bonds and molecular weight and stuff. Yet the hydrogen bonds that form keep it liquid at room temp. So you get "gas speed" chemical reactions at "high" room temperature, yet its liquid to a ridiculously high temp.
Maybe some custom liquid silicone with some bolted on weirdness could make a useful artificial blood plasma or "stuff" for life to live in. How it would make it without the chemical plant being made first is mysterious.
Sometimes I wonder that not only it is not possible for other forms of life to exist that wouldn't use water, carbon and others, but that we have life just because it so happened coincidentally that our universe were created with the exact properties needed for the laws of physics to support life for a short while in some places.
Those are non-polar, so would not work as a liquid environment for Earth-like biochemistry. Doesn't rule out the possibility of different forms of life ... but there is a high prior against it.
I'd order the candidates for the basis of lifelike chemistry complexes as follows: H2O, NH3, SO2, HCOOH, CH4.
A lot of the common molecules aren't good solvents or react too readily with other common elements or molecules, like oxygen or halogens. And molecules that are good solvents just aren't common enough to dissolve much of anything.
Methane would probably only work in an oxygen-deficient environment, and ethane wouldn't form enough by coincidence to be a meaningful solvent in comparison to methane or other simple organics.
And it just so happens that H2O is very common and a great solvent, so any other potential solvent would probably have a little water in it anyway. And if it's there, a lifelike chemistry complex would probably make use of it in some way.
What an annoying meme. What part did you find so surprising that you want additional references, but couldn't find a better way to ask for them?
As to the first part, there are uncountable examples of water-based life, and zero examples of non-water-based life. That doesn't rule out its existence, but basic chemistry makes it unlikely, and it won't look anything like life as we know it. No other liquid has the properties needed for any kind of life observed.
Start off by populating the universe with loose atoms.
You're going to have quite a lot of H, some He, and ever decreasing quantities of larger atoms. The abundance of atoms in our galaxy by mass is 74% H, 24% He, 1% O, 0.5% C, 0.1% Ne & Fe & N, 0.05% Si & Mg & S. When you break it down by quantity of atoms, the spread only grows wider. 92% H, 7.5% He, 0.1% O, 0.05% C, 0.01% N & Ne, and ~0.003% Mg & Si & Fe & S.
Now, for each atom, you're going to work the room at the universal party. If you're an H, you show up early to the party, and you're very likely to run into another H and really hit it off. So most of the H in the universe is going to pair up as H2 before anyone else even shows up. He and Ne don't really want to be at the party. They hang out in the corners and stare at their own quarks. So let's just pair up all those H atoms into H2 and ignore the He and Ne.
We're now at 99.6% H2, 0.2% O, 0.1% C, 0.02% N, ~0.005% Mg & Si & Fe & S among atoms that actually want to bond.
So C, N, Mg, Si, and Fe are pretty chill. If they happen to meet up with a lone H, they get along together pretty well. Otherwise, they're content to circulate around the party and meet other atoms looking for a good bond.
But O and S are a little crazy. They are not going home alone, ever. And usually, they're going to hook up with the first other atom (or molecule) they meet at the party. Almost every O that joins the party is going to end up as the meat in an H sandwich and leave the party. By coincidence, some will become O2 and be content. A bit less will become CO, or NO, and a very tiny amount will end up in MgO, SiO, FeO, or SO. And those will stay at the party, looking to bond more.
So just by random meetings based on relative abundance, it is clear that H2O is going to be third among discrete chemical units, and second among bonded molecules. If O were less abundant, or less ravenous for electrons, it might be different, but it's pretty safe to say that O will try to react with anything it meets, and it's very likely to meet an H2.
Thanks for a detailed reply. My comment wasn't trying to be snarky, I really would like to know a reputable source for this statement.
As far as I understand it's much easier for us to know distribution of different elements that it is to know distribution of different molecules in the universe. I assumed that it wouldn't be that popular given that it does not take part in a nuclear fusion.
He's likely asking for a citation that shows that water is the second most common molecule in the universe, which is a quite a claim to make based on our understanding of astrophysics and astrochemistry.
The most common molecule is diatomic hydrogen and the second most common is helium. That'll likely be true for hundreds of billions of years, if not trillions, due to the way stars burn their atomic fuel. Even if you don't include atomic helium as a molecule, the second most prevalent would likely be the most reactive combination of hydrogen and nitrogen/carbon.
Atomic helium is not a molecule. Oxygen is significantly more abundant than either nitrogen or carbon in the universe. In the interstellar clouds that give rise to stars, hydrogen runs into a lot more oxygen than carbon or nitrogen, so you're going to end up with more water than any other molecule but hydrogen gas.
Ok I was wrong (very wrong) as long as we're arguing with unrealistic semantics because Wikipedia defines a molecule as "the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound" which means that atomic helium is a molecule. Hence the "element or compound" bit.
Assuming your definition holds: Do you have an actual (peer reviewed) citation that demonstrates that H2O is the second most prominent molecule in the universe, for any real definition of molecule? If not, do you have a citation showing that diatomic oxygen is less likely to form than water in the interstellar medium (considering the momentum of hydrogen atoms will be significantly greater than that of oxygen atoms and thus impact the chemical reactions drastically)? If not, do you have evidence to show that our capabilities to detect polar molecules like water are able to account for the absurd abundance of nonpolar molecules (for which electromagnetic detection is practicaly impossible) based solely on first principles of astro or even quantum chemistry?
I'm not trying to play devil's advocate or prove you wrong. These are questions I'd love to have the definitive answers to but I'd rather have no answers at all than a random HN post which only cites a Wikipedia article on the prevalence of atoms (not molecules, missing the entire point of chemistry) and another unreviewed HN post on astrochemistry from first principles without a single significant citation.
The purpose of [citation needed] is not to take the wind out of your statement but to force you to provide the necessary evidence to back up your assertion.
> Wikipedia defines a molecule as "the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound" which means that atomic helium is a molecule.
No it doesn't; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecule cites that as an earlier, less precise definition than the one that's commonly used today. The definition right at the top of the page is quite clear that by the usual definition, a single atom by itself does not constitute a molecule.
> The purpose of [citation needed] is not to take the wind out of your statement but to force you to provide the necessary evidence to back up your assertion.
In polite discussions, attempting to "force" your conversational partner to do anything is kind of discourteous. If you're honestly seeking information, then by all means feel free to ask questions. But whether you intended to or not, your responses are coming across as very adversarial and dismissive.
Ok so I'm very, very wrong along another semantic axis but in this context it's absolutely irrelevant, using the definition given in the second paragraph:
> In the kinetic theory of gases, the term molecule is often used for any gaseous particle regardless of its composition. According to this definition, noble gas atoms are considered molecules despite being composed of a single non-bonded atom.
Unless you're saying that water (or any other molecule for that matter) can form inside of a star, which would open an entirely new field of chemistry, this is the definition to use when talking about astrophysics.
Regardless of what Wikipedia says, chemists distinguish between molecules and atoms.
Diatomic oxygen is extremely rare in the universe, because it's extremely unstable. Oxygen would rather be bonded to pretty much anything rather than itself, including hydrogen. [citation: go burn some hydrogen]. It's common round these parts due to some rather bizarre nonequilibrium chemistry [aka life].
What we know about the prevalence of various molecules is a combination of what we know about the prevalence of atoms combined with what is thermodynamically stable. It goes hydrogen, water, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, I think? At this point it depends on local conditions, temperature and so forth, but the stability of water combined with the prevalence of oxygen makes it basically unassailable as the second most common molecule after H2.
Can you see why instead of "forcing someone to provide references" it would be better to ask someone nicely for references?
It was a casual answer to an astronomy question buried in a comment thread on a message board for startup enthusiasts. The level of rigor you're demanding is unnecessary. [Citation not needed], truly. I'm absolutely sure that I won't run into trouble with HN's moderators or community for having commented despite having no "definitive answers with better-than-wikipedia citations" to give you about the chemical make-up of the universe. Nor do I think an HN where questions go unanswered lest the leading expert in current theory happens to respond in person with a bibliography in hand is a better one.
We're not debating the multiverse theory or alternatives to the standard model, we're literally literally talking about the stoichiometric ratios and chemistry of the universe, a field of knowledge that is as fundamental to astrophysics as the concept of fusion itself.
If you can't provide a single citation to support such fundamental statements as "H20 is the second most common molecule in the universe" outside of irrelevant Wikipedia articles, they are worthless, HN moderator and community standards notwithstanding.
Nice to have somebody on my side. From what I could find so far CO seems to be the second most common molecule in the interstellar space[0], and water does not seem to take part in a nuclear fusion[1], so I think that the discussed statement may not even necessarily be true.
H₂ is pretty clearly, it seems, the most common molecule in the universe (the sources that claim something else is seem to be fairly casual sources, and seem to neglect single-element molecules entirely), but from a quick skim of results, it seems that superficially decent sources split between saying that H₂O is second most common and those saying that it is third, behind CO.
In terms of of non-water based life being "unlikely", I think it's a bit of a fallacy to make inferences on the likelihood of a possibility that we have so little understanding of.
True, we've only seen water-based life firsthand, but our "sample" of reality is so infinitesimally minute relative to the whole that we cannot properly use that as a basis to make assertions about what the overall proportional makeup of types of life might be. Doing so is pure speculation.
It would be sort of like randomly picking up one tiny pebble at random from anywhere on the earth, identifying its elements, and then concluding that it's "unlikely" any other non-identified elements exist on the entire planet because they aren't in that particular pebble.
Water is necessary for all "life as we know it". There could be configurations we don't know about that allow life to form from radically different constituents. The universe is big enough to allow for the possibility, but it's so theoretical that we have no framework for understanding how these kinds of exotic lifeforms would work or how to look for evidence of their existence.
So while we shouldn't exclude the possibility, "life as we know it" is the most sensible place to start.