Hmm, interesting. It works in a simple test case, but fails to compile my codebase and throws an error
./inc/bla.h:163:9: error: unexpected '#pragma omp ...' in program [-Werror,-Wsource-uses-openmp]
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(Threading::num), schedule(dynamic, 1)
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to build a minimally failing example so far, I will have to investigate this further. Thanks for the heads-up in any case!
Edit: Turns out everything fails if -Weverything is supplied. I didn’t offer a runtime library (nor did the compiler define the _OPENMP macro even when having -fopenmp on the command line, otherwise it would have complained about a missing <omp.h>…). If -Weverything is not there, the thing compiles but only runs with one thread.