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Ben Horowitz’s Best Startup Advice (medium.com/producthunt)
139 points by lxm on Sept 18, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Very cool interview. This quote:

"He’s known for being both straightforward and kind — an uncommon cocktail of no-bullshit and no-asshole."

Really succinctly explains why I'm such a huge fan of his. He says what needs to be said, and he does it in a kind way.

My favorite quote: "If you are driven by social signals, you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur."

Mine too. It just encapsulates the very challenge of being someone who stands for something.

Mine too. So much embedded in that simple phrase. Like a Nas verse.

bit of a mouthful for a verse ;)

Can you give an example of how this may be true?

Great read, thanks. "Follow your contribution not passion." - something to think about.

Fortunately, at least in my experience, those often align fairly well. Definitely a worthwhile read.

I've found (prior to knowing the words found in his book) that if you ask the question: "What is your passion?", you will get a different answer (A) than if you discuss what the person thinks their top contribution could/should be (B).

That said, people do seem to become quite passionate about following their contribution, once an A/B list is put in front of them.

So, I guess I'm saying that: 1) I agree they can be quite well aligned, but 2) People sometimes need help getting there because the framing is different enough that it doesn't occur to them to think it through this way.

Which famous entrepreneur said "From a million dollars, everything is your passion"?

I believe Aristoteles said something on those lines a long time ago. I don't see this flipping anything on its head. The conventional function-driven thought of the human being, as if everyone had to perform a duty, and to make the world better - and, even if they had to, what exactly makes the world better? For the sheep, a world without eagles would be better - but the eagles aren't bad, they just have to eat.

Or, maybe, I just didn't understand what he meant =]

This was a pretty dope read. Ben has the ability to say things in the most easily understandable way.

Start-up advice on what to think of start-up advice: "turning popular advice on its head".

I mean just look at how the guy ended his post. The last thing you would expect. It's hard not to like him.

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