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Reddit shell (github.com/jasonbio)
103 points by mendelk on Sept 18, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 42 comments

Why go through the trouble of emulating the shell environment instead of just writing this in a shell environment? An actual shell environment for this would actually be somewhat useful, whereas a terminal emulator in the web doing this isn't really that useful.

That's what rtv is for: https://github.com/michael-lazar/rtv

Not to mention, if it was written as an actual shell application, it would probably be easy to use Emscripten or something to make a web version, if someone really wanted it.

Couldn't agree more. It could even add ascii images for a touch of 1337.

looks forward to seeing a shell version

I mentioned this in another comment, but check out RedditFS: https://github.com/ianpreston/redditfs

>lynx $(cat /r/programming/An_evaluation_of_simple_Python_performance_tweaks/url) Every time I see unescaped shell arguments I pain inside

Nice concept, a true command line version would be quite nice. Perhaps with vim bindings for navigation (or emacs!).

It would be nice if I could setup my own aliases, commands such as 'view comments N' is pretty long to write, viewcom and viewcon would be nice off the top of my head as defaults.

It would also be nice to have a screen mode for loading the comments and content side-by-side :)

The world needs a Fuse adapter for reddit.

The security implications are mind-boggling, though.

I remember someone built it, they abused self posts for storage. My google-fu is failing and I can't find it.

I think RedditStorage was what you were looking for: https://github.com/Rossem/RedditStorage

(I also found redditfs, which is for browsing reddit: https://github.com/ianpreston/redditfs)

> shell

> web based

So it's just another website. If it doesn't run from the shell, it's not a shell.

I was excited when I saw the title, happy to browse reddit from my terminal, but the first line in the README debunked that quite efficiently.

(Also, small note: reddit is with a lowercase 'r'. The repository got it right but the submission didn't.)

re: reddit vs. Reddit: the new CEO confirmed that they're going to switch to "Reddit": https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/3fx2au/conte...

> If it doesn't run from the shell, it's not a shell.

I think you are using "shell" in two different ways in the sentence, and I don't think the resulting construct is true (I think you may be saying if it doesn't run in a text terminal its not a shell, but shells don't have to be terminals -- GUI shells are a thing.)

Re lowercase reddit, I actually submitted with lowercase, but it auto-corrected to Reddit :)

Yeah… that gets covered in quite a bit of detail here:


I think you might be interested in: https://github.com/ianpreston/redditfs

Your unix shell isn't the only shell that exists :)

Fine, make it run from cmd.exe or command.com. Just not a browser.

Is a python repl not a shell? Haskell? Mysql?

I know this is written in JS, but I'd be somewhat interested in actually using this in a terminal.

I bet with some tweaking you could build a node.js REPL based solution for this.

This runs in your browser. Not what the title made me think.

Nice Jurassic Park reference in the output of:

  guest@reddit:~$ rm -rf /
Along with: https://github.com/jasonbio/reddit-shell/blob/master/css/new...

Someone just want to make a reddit fuse fs and get it over with? /s

Cool stuff.

`lynx reddit.com`

Actually m.reddit.com tends to have cleaner results than the desktop site when using lynx.

  settings images on
  ls nsfw top
seems legit

This is pretty cool. There are some features that it would be great to see. Like auto complete on subreddit names, the "shell" knowing which subreddit you are currently on, so list will actually list the current subreddit's posts. Also the ability to view text threads in the shell

You screw up the UX by not letting me scroll. I can't even see the start of the output for the command "help". Why did you think that was a good idea?

Scroll wheel works for me. Do you mean there should be an actual scroll bar?

I'm on a laptop, so I don't have a scroll wheel.

Pretty fun to play with. I noticed a "ls -l" makes the shell block for about 10 seconds then produce an error: "error fetching data from reddit"

Now I can Reddit at work and everyone will just think that I'm on git! But in my browser?

I heard the 12k baud modem sound the moment I saw the GUI.

Do I have old programmer's PTSD?


I tried "list" twice, always gave an error back.

Found an easter egg: sudo make me a sandwich

Reminds me a bit of pigshell


list | less should exist.

doesnt work on firefox ;)

Great. How about HN Shell?

nice job,

really cool.

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