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can't even understand someone goes to work on a handshake deal with strangers. Have problems doing this even with friends. Once money is involved even friends can act strange...

Mind you - at the other extreme I've had someone invest £25K in a startup based on a handshake who turned out to be utterly brilliant and a complete gent.

He only looked slightly sour when he saw we'd stuck a copy of his cheque up on the wall.... :-)

Of course, people like that are rare - but they do exist.

I know a couple of guys like this as well. While it's true that one can go far in business by treading on people and screwing people over, being decent human beings certainly doesn't seem to have held them back in life, at least.

This has happen to me more times then I would like to admit. <Quote> You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, So that when they turn their backs on you, You'll get the chance to put the knife in. </Quote> http://www.pink-floyd-lyrics.com/html/dogs-animals-lyrics.ht...

Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't recommend anyone go into a business arrangement - even with the seemingly nice guys - without proper safeguards (ie contracts) in place!

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