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I'm using noscript and when I went to the page I had the placeholder for a javascript element. I allowed it and it was a header image. Curious, I inspected the element and found they were converting the gif to video which looped. It looks like Fusion have developed a wordpress plugin called gif2html5 to do this: https://github.com/fusioneng/gif2html5-plugin

I am wondering why they would do this. I'm not a developer so is there any reason why they would rather play a video instead of a gif (when the source material is a gif to start with)? It doesn't really seem necessary to me but I'm probably missing something.

I know why imgur do it -


"The above GIF started at a whopping 50MB. After conversion, the final file is 3.4MB and loads at warp speed. Pretty sweet, right?"

interesting. I don't think fusion serves as many images as imgur but I guess every little bit helps?

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