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Microchip Technology puts full hardware virtualization in PIC32 microcontroller (imgtec.com)
3 points by alexvoica on Sept 16, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

A bit more context: MIPS M-class CPUs implement full hardware virtualization into a microprocessor that is 0.04mm2 - this is 25x-50x smaller than conventional mobile chips manufactured in a 28HPM process node. In addition, a MIPS M5150 CPU can run up to seven guest operating systems in parallel, with minimum overhead on overall system performance and stability.

Virtualization will help developers create new and more secure applications for wearables, IoT and other embedded markets. For example, a MIPS M-class CPU inside a smart home hub can place door and window locks in separate virtualized containers to avoid compromised security throughout the home while a separate container can handle lighting control or the connectivity stack; any change in the operation of a container would not affect the others.

You can see this use case demonstrated below on a MIPS-based development board; when the Linux-based operating system running in one virtualized container restarts, the second container controlling the motor operation continues running unaffected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjQZTBK1trY

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