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A novel method for the removal of earwax (2005) (cmaj.ca)
22 points by herendin on Sept 13, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Well done. I had a nasty ear infection misdiagnosed as an impacted cerumen once (no pain at the time). If your doctor can't remove the impaction, I'd recommend anybody with no history of them to request antibiotics as well as the standard wax removal treatment. The pain was nearly unbearable by the time I received antibiotics.

Another, more effective way, is to use a dental water jet flosser. The pulses of water are much finer, easier to control, and don't make such a mess. Also, pulsed water may be better at displacing hardened wax than a continuous stream.

Yet another advantage: this can be done by the patient alone - no need to involve anyone else!

I usually use alcohol or H2O2... But, really? Why is this here?

It describes an if not very exiting then at least somewhat interesting hack. Besides that the writeup is actually a fine piece of art for which, as usual, the beauty in in the eye of the beholder.

I guess the value of satire is lost, even on hn audience.


If that's intended as criticism, could you be more specific?

According to the guidelines here https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html anything that "gratifies one's intellectual curiosity" is on-topic. It's of course just a guideline, but I think this submission fits it fine.

Did I land on 9gag or what?

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