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Has the author read Walden? If she had, she might find it incongruous to use cellular internet service and wi-fi during her adventure. She might also recognize that Thoreau was not so short on things to do, partly because he did things. He designed and built his cabin himself, rather than buying one ready-made. Maybe it's the difference between then and now, but if the dream was to live life raw, why not start with raw materials, and without a smartphone? Days don't seem so long when you are struggling to survive rather than to fill them with alarm clocks and books about people you want to emulate, but only sort of.

He also had his mother bringing food by every day or so.

And his sister! They brought him baked goods. Thoreau was no dummy.

And he'd go have dinner at Emerson's, so he could get away from weeding his beans and eyebang Emerson's wife.

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