In my opinion, Halloway's Programming Clojure is a good beginner's book because it hits the right mix of Clojure newbie with experience programming. Among free online tutorials, Aphyr's Clojure from the Ground Up is my recommendation. A little deeper into the language, Fogus's Joy of Clojure hits more technical topics.
I would recommend something that seems weird but isn't: start with Joy of Clojure just to get a sample of what the language really is about, and if you like what you see go back to one of the introductory books and learn it.
I'd recommend against Programming Clojure and instead recommend Clojure Programming from O'Reilly.
I read a fair amount of both and the former explains the subject matter too superficially IMHO. +1 for Joy of Clojure which is a nice read in parallel.
That was my impression of Programming Clojure at first, it seemed rather lightweight. What I came to believe is that Halloway's presentation focuses on simplicity but achieves reasonable depth. [1] The high level of accessibility reflects Halloway's background in the training industry and the his expertise in Clojure. His book is efficient in the same manner as Clojure.
Joy of Clojure is a good book. It goes deeper while assuming more of the reader. The technical detail is useful and interesting, but for me, the narrative seems a bit less cohesive [disclaimer: I have the first edition, not the second]. I haven't read Clojure Programming.
[1]: Edit. For example the running exercise is porting a Java build system to Clojure. That's full on software engineering, not a let's-pretend.
Thanks for the hint, I'll check the build system example.
I focused on Programming Clojure as it's almost half the size of Clojure Programming and I want to get to other, more focused clojure books (Reactive Programming, Macros).
But for me, personally, the examples given so far (I've made it at least through the State-chapter) weren't well explained. I'll see how Clojure Programming holds up in that regard but so far many explanations have been better IMHO.