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ΕΥΚΛΕΙΔΗΣ: A Geometry Drawing Language (eukleides.org)
122 points by brudgers on Sept 9, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

From a quick scan of the manual, I can't imagine why anyone would use this instead of MetaPost. You might need to write some macros to generate conic sections, but that would be easy enough. Am I missing a killer feature?

It’s probably a bit easier to learn than MetaPost. (For just drawing postscript drawings, you can do AMAZING things by just programming in postscript directly – http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/graphics/manual/ http://web.archive.org/web/20140326124027/http://www.fho-emd... – it’s a fun little language.)

Otherwise, nope, this thing doesn’t have too many features. Looks like someone’s little hobby project.

What I’d like to see out of a project like this is an interactive JavaScript version, where I can drag around points and see how the whole figure reacts.

Org-mode Babel support in Emacs.

I had some trouble locating it on the website, but the manual is here:


This project doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2010. Has anyone used this for anything interesting?

I did all my college geometry homework with it (and LaTeX) back in 2011/2012, just for kicks. Is that interesting? Probably not too interesting :-)

Neat. Add support for colors and one can recreate the diagrams found in Byrne's edition of Elements: http://www.math.ubc.ca/~cass/Euclid/byrne.html

Looks like it supports a few built-in colors.

  Color black (default), darkgray, gray,
  lightgray, white, red, green, blue,
  cyan, magenta, yellow.
That's probably enough, though.

Can it solve this one: there is a box of size AxB standing in in the corner of the wall and the floor. There is a ladder of length L, which stands against the wall and just touches the box. The slope of the ladder is bigger than X degrees.

In case you're wondering the name is Greek for "Euclid".

Downvote for a factual information on the naming of a project?

That's a new low for HN.

Such a DSL would've been perfect to implement in a Lisp.

"These pages have been translated into Spanish language by Maria Ramos from Webhostinghub.com/support/edu."

I'm assuming this is the usual scam where a blatant gray-hat SEO company runs your page through Google Translate and gets you to link to them for the "favor". "Webhostinghub" sounds a lot like "webhostinggeeks", the usual perpetrators of the scam. Except they forgot to make it something besides a 404.

Be better if this was usable in the browser.

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