'Nobody in the real world is so "busy" that they can't stop what they are doing for a few minutes and prepare and consume real food in order to meet their body's demands.'
Compare the preparation time for preparing a meal that satisfies oneself nutritionally compared with Soylent. It's not just about spending more time working, it's about having time to do other things like reading or playing music. Also, why are you getting so upset about people who want to eat nutritious meals?
The median (and correct) response is to read or play music for thirty less minutes to prepare real nutritious food. Come on. Nobody's time at home is factored down to the minute.
Compare the preparation time for preparing a meal that satisfies oneself nutritionally compared with Soylent. It's not just about spending more time working, it's about having time to do other things like reading or playing music. Also, why are you getting so upset about people who want to eat nutritious meals?