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Latency, although you can solve that through any number of CDN solutions.

That can be solved by using a cloud service with global POPs, spinning up nodes everywhere, and using a common core config built with Chef, Puppet, or Docker. Amazon, Digital Ocean, Vultr, Linode, Joyent/Triton, and probably a half dozen others will provide global presence with instant provisioning.

Slightly more work but you control it. Cost is probably similar.

DDOS mitigation is harder and is definitely something CloudFlare does well enough to earn some market share, but wouldn't it be nice if we had a more global solution to this problem that didn't involve third party firewalls?

Cost is definitely not similar. Building your own CDN network is not cheap and CloudFlare provides DNS + SSL + lots of locations + better routing + free bandwidth.

The servers, ssl and bandwidth costs alone would be more than their fees for any big site.

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